Thursday, May 12

I'm figuring out what I want to do with myself. Sort of. I've got two job opportunities, one at the House of Blues and one at Chain Reaction. What are the odds of that. I feel that I have a much greater chance of being hired at HOB, but regardless I just want another damn job already. This hiring process just drags on and on. I just want money. More money please and thank you.
I've been getting a lot of hours at the theater lately cause it's summer; not a bad thing. Maria keeps scheduling me to close every night of the weekend though and it's getting tiring. I'm tired of going out late, I want to have a full night to hang out n' stuff. Man. I wanna keep the theater as a second job just because I love the place so much. I don't wanna lose my friends or the security I have there, I'd be so bummed.

Shit happens. Life has been quite the ride lately, but I can't say that I'm not pleased with the aftermath of it all. Bad things happen to good people, and I'm content with all the shitty things that have happened because it's made me realize who my true friends are. And how awesome I am, and how much you suck.
I've missed several old friends and faces, and I plan on seeing them more often. I'm jumping into summer with a really good attitude. Free as a bird. I just wanna have fun and be with my friends....and hopefully get a tan.

I also have some unfinished business to take care of. Slowly but surely...

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