Wednesday, June 30

no surprises

I've been listening to radiohead so much lately. it's so soothing.
I could lay in bed all day, listening to them. and be completely happy.

My life is boring. I serve people tasteless popcorn, I don't have any significant other whatsoever, I lie in bed through the night and stare at my ceiling, I sleep through the day to avoid anything related to a social life, when I'm online I just lurk because I'm so curious, I listen to music to avoid thinking, I am extremely friendly with my weed because it's my form of a handshake to another, I only eat when I'm high, so I'm eating a lot, I keep old text messages because I'm that bad of a hoarder, and I have condom lubricant on my college assessment papers, and I didn't even laugh, I just left it there. and I don't know why it's there.
I'm so bored.

My life has gotten so boring, there was a moment where I realized--
I'm touching myself, while listening to radiohead, while google thesaurus-ing the word 'happy'.
My priorities in life are quite funny, and nonexistant. there is nothing going on with me.

I just want something fun to happen. I'm just waiting. I've been waiting.

I have to be up in a few hours, have to open at work. that sucks, I feel like it's been too long since I've been there. only a week, I believe.
july 4th is coming up. yay, loud noises.


  1. dude, my life is fucking boring too.
    this is a sign we need to unite.

  2. sheilahn, my life is so boring. please, please. can we please unite.
