Wednesday, June 30

no surprises

I've been listening to radiohead so much lately. it's so soothing.
I could lay in bed all day, listening to them. and be completely happy.

My life is boring. I serve people tasteless popcorn, I don't have any significant other whatsoever, I lie in bed through the night and stare at my ceiling, I sleep through the day to avoid anything related to a social life, when I'm online I just lurk because I'm so curious, I listen to music to avoid thinking, I am extremely friendly with my weed because it's my form of a handshake to another, I only eat when I'm high, so I'm eating a lot, I keep old text messages because I'm that bad of a hoarder, and I have condom lubricant on my college assessment papers, and I didn't even laugh, I just left it there. and I don't know why it's there.
I'm so bored.

My life has gotten so boring, there was a moment where I realized--
I'm touching myself, while listening to radiohead, while google thesaurus-ing the word 'happy'.
My priorities in life are quite funny, and nonexistant. there is nothing going on with me.

I just want something fun to happen. I'm just waiting. I've been waiting.

I have to be up in a few hours, have to open at work. that sucks, I feel like it's been too long since I've been there. only a week, I believe.
july 4th is coming up. yay, loud noises.

Sunday, June 27

low budget telethons

got time to wander, to waste and to whine,
but when it comes to you, it seems like I just can't find the time.

Friday, June 25

eh, that's it

well, I guess I should write in here. it's definitely been a few days.
I kept putting it off, because...I don't know why. I just did.

I graduated from high school on june 16th. woop woop. the girls had to wear the ugliest yellow, that was bullshit. I didn't care and I wasn't excited like everyone else was. I just wanted to go home and pass out. we had family over, it was nice to see everyone. people made the biggest deal about's high school, it really wasn't that hard. you should graduate high school, it's not a huge accomplishment, you know.
grad night turned out to be really fun. ours was on a yacht, ha. I think it was in newport, not sure. they boarded all the kids up and shipped it off, and we were out in the water for a good five hours. there was a dance floor, food, blackjack tables. it was hilarious. I had smoked before, of course. and before my friend offered me one of his beers. I couldn't turn that down. then on the boat, my friend offers me a pill. The last time I took that shit was two years ago, so I thought, why not. it was definitely intense. I don't think I've ever danced like that. ha. I felt ridiculous. I puked once, thanks to the motion sickness of the yacht. but other than that, it was a great time. and I'm pleased with how grad night went. dancing and hanging out with good friends, some since preschool. it made me realize how sad it all was.

since summer has begun, I haven't really done anything productive. I finally registered for college. coooooooolbeans.
I went to disneyland with ashley the other day. after grad night, I wanted to try rolling again. so we did, and that was ridiculous. disneyland is truly a beautiful place. the people there..not so much. but by the time we got home, I couldn't sleep. I didn't sleep for a whole day. and any sleep after that only lasted one-two hours. I couldn't throw up, I couldn't do anything. it was the worst comedown ever. and after that, I don't want to try ecstasy again. I've had my share of experiences, and I don't want to do it again.
I had bought a ticket for edc for saturday only, just cause my friends were going and I wanted to join them. but after the other night, I sold my ticket immediately. I'm over drugs for a while. no thank you.
I just need my weed, that's all.

so far, it's been hot. I've been lazy. I've been smoking. I've been sleeping. I've been lonely.
I hope I find some sort of interest this summer. I don't like this same ol' routine.

I'm so lazy right now.

Tuesday, June 8

No. Yes. No. Yes. No.

Alright. I've decided that my hate for you runs deeper than any other feeling I may have felt, and staying connected to you only makes things worse. it brings me more pain than happiness. you tell me you love me more than anything, and I'm telling you that you're an asshole.

"Thank you for reminding me I'm not special. You don't even see what you do to me. Even the moments I think are ours, it's working to get what you want." - Luisa Contini

Monday, June 7

banging on this door

I don't know how I feel lately. I can't tell if I'm becoming happier or if it's just getting worse. if I'm just becoming more pessimistic and spiteful. I can't tell.
last week of high school, then graduation next week. fucking finally.

I've been lost in myself these past weeks. I'm fighting two different sides of me. I can't decide which side I'm really on.

every time I think I need you, every time I feel that deep urge to converse with you, to be a part of your remind me that I'm just foolish. you won't change. the thought of it creates a deep ache in my chest, in my mind. thinking of you now just hurts. I can't decide whether I should cut you off completely or hold on for something...what that something is, I have no idea. secretly I hope you'll emerge from this and prove us wrong, but whether you do or not - you're still not here, with me. you're not with me. and sometimes I can't decide if I want you to be here or not.

listening to everyone else's issues makes me miss mine, the old kind. it's been months, and at times I have the worst withdrawals for it. when I was actually in those positions, of long nights spent on the phone arguing or when we'd sit on my bed and I couldn't help but cry. I know this sounds really odd. who misses this kind of crap, honestly.
I just miss the connections I felt before. I don't feel those anymore. I can't find anything like it. I think I just get too lonely sometimes.

and then there's those moments where I realize that I'm fucking eighteen and I just want to have a good time. I want to make new friends and explore. get high and drunk and hang out. get out. leave behind all these irrational emotions and memories. I want to start over, so badly.

I'm excited for this weekend. on friday I'm taking the train to la with tyler, to walk around and have fun, go to a show. staying the night there and taking the train back in the morning. then on saturday I'm going to a show at chain with josh, that should be fun, too.

I just saw splice with my mom. that movie was fucking weird. but awesome. never been attracted to adrien brody 'til now, holy shit. so weird, but so hot.

I'm excited for summer. the warm heat, shorts and dresses, shows with friends, driving over freeways, beers, bud and babes. (lots of babes, I hope.)