Wednesday, January 13

how darkly the dark hand met his end

he was withered and boney, exposed for a phony
But we heed the last words that he penned,
"Haste to disgrace the traitor,
do not wait 'til later."

developed this in photo. shmeh shmeh. I enjoy being in the dark room very much. shadows, trusting your hands to guide you, the smell of the chemicals...lovely.

well, shit. Not sure what my mood is. My body's aching, aching, aching. I feel like a zombie again. just dragging myself, from room to room. eyelids burn. shoulders are sore, legs are weak. I thought I caught up on sleep, but three hours or so every night...not feelin' too good. I smoked earlier, and it didn't do shit, really. I was so bummed. maybe it's because I'm so fucking tired anyway, that I couldn't even tell. I can't keep my eyes open anyway. I was knocked out by fourth period's quite awkward when you slide off your desk and awaken quickly, to see that the kids on the other side of the class are watching you. great, thanks.

Our phone calls really frustrated me. it doesn't matter what I say, you attack me so quickly. it doesn't matter, period. it can't be. I'm sorry, truly.
The pieces don't fit. they just won't.
I'm burning up in my room. I freeze the moment I step outside. the cold is just suffocating me. but right now, all I want is a cold glass of water.
I wish I could be ignorant. I'm sorry I don't let people walk all over me, sorry that I can't please you just for a night. I don't want to be an appetizer.
You have sucked all the mystery out of me. I feel predictable and overlooked, when I know that I could make you smile and feel like you've never before.
I don't like people. I really don't.
my mind is just eating away at me, I feel like I can never cut these ties. I feel attached to things that were ended long ago, and some more recent. why even bother? why even look back, and reflect, and feel?
why feel. why feel at all.
quite annoyed.

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